International & National Conferences

Child Abuse Allegations: Scientific Fact & Reason vs. Myth & Emotion. 20th International Conference of National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Las Vegas, NV. October 17-19, 2019.
Child Abuse Allegations: Separating Scientific Fact from Fiction. 19th International Conference of National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Reno, Nevada. October 27 & 28, 2016.
Child Abuse Allegations: The Law, the Science, the Myths, the Reality: Practical Applications. 18th International Conference of National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Presented in conjunction with Robert Wesley, 9th Circuit Public Defender. August 3 & 4, 2015
Allegations of Child Abuse: The Law, The Science, The Myths, The Reality. 17th International Conference of National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. October 16-18, 2014.
Child Abuse Allegations: The Law, the Science, the Myths, the Reality. 16th International Conference of National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. September 6-8, 2012.
Child Abuse Allegations: The Modern Day “Scarlet Letter”. 15th International Conference of National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Las Vegas, Nevada. August 26-28, 2010.
Child Abuse Allegations: Separating Scientific Fact from Fiction. 14th International Conference of National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Las Vegas, Nevada. September 28-30, 2008.
Child Abuse Allegations: Science vs. Junk Science in the Courtroom. 13th International Conference of National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Las Vegas, Nevada. September 18-20, 2006.
Child Abuse Allegations: Separating Fact from Fiction. 12th International Conference of National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Las Vegas, Nevada. October 14-16, 2004.
Child Abuse Allegations: Science vs. Suspicion. 11th International Conference of National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. New Orleans (Metairie), Louisiana. March 13-15, 2003.
Child Abuse Allegations in the Courts: Science & Reason vs. Myth & Emotion. 10th International Conference of National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Reno, Nevada. October 17-19, 2001.
Child Abuse Allegations: 2000 and Beyond. 9th International Conference of National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Kansas City, Missouri. September 14-16, 2000.
Child Abuse Allegations: The Law, The Science, The Myths, The Reality. 8th International Conference of National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Las Vegas, Nevada. October 14-16, 1999.
Allegations of Child Abuse: The Law, The Science, The Myths, The Reality. Seventh International Conference of the National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Las Vegas, Nevada. October 22-24, 1998.
Defending Child Abuse Allegations. Sixth International Conference of the National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Las Vegas, Nevada. September 11-14, 1997.
Child Abuse Allegations II: The Law, The Science, The Myths, The Reality. Fifth International Conference of the National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Las Vegas, Nevada. September 20-22, 1996.
Allegations of Child Abuse: The Law, The Science, The Myths, The Reality. Fourth International Conference of the National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Chicago, Illinois. October 6-8, 1995.
Allegations of Child Abuse: The Issues, The Law, The Science. Third International Conference of the National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Co-sponsored with Cuyahoga Bar Association. Cleveland, Ohio. September 24-25, 1994.
Issues to Address in Child Abuse Cases: Legal Strategies and Current Trends. Second International Conference of the National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Kansas City, Missouri. October, 1989.
Regional and State Conferences
Defending Child Sex Cases. Indiana Public Defender Council Seminar. Indianapolis, Indiana. March 6, 2009.
Defending Child Molest Cases: The Pendulum is Swinging. Indiana Public Defender Council. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 25, 2005.
Innocent people convicted of child sexual abuse and imprisoned as a national problem.* American Academy of Forensic Sciences 55th Annual Meeting. General Session. Chicago, Illinois. February 21, 2003.
Defending Child Molest Cases is Different. Indiana Public Defender Council seminar. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 14, 2003.
Practical and Scientific Elements in Child Sex Abuse Cases. Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers seminar. Columbus, Ohio. April 12, 2002.
Sexually Dangerous Persons: Registration and Community Notification Requirements for Juveniles Deemed as “Sexually Dangerous”.* American Academy of Forensic Sciences 54th Annual Meeting. General Session. Atlanta, Georgia. February 14, 2002.
Investigating Child Sex Cases. Missouri State Public Defenders Trial Skills Training Conference. Lake Ozark, Missouri. December 5 & 6, 2001.
Allegations of Sex Abuse: A detailed analysis of a sex abuse case from beginning to end: from investigation through the predator hearing. Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Cleveland, Ohio. May 12, 2000.
Child Abuse Allegations: Myth vs. Reality. American Trial Lawyers Association (ATLA). Boardwalk Seminar 2000. Atlantic City, New Jersey. April 13 & 14, 2000.
Keys to Successful Defense of Abuse Cases. Nebraska Criminal Defense Attorneys Association Conference. Villager Hotel, Lincoln, Nebraska. February 19, 1999.
Defending Child Abuse. Indiana Public Defender Council. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 12, 1999.
In Defense of Rape and Child Abuse: Where Law and Science Meet. Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. University of Dayton Law School, Dayton, Ohio. February 5, 1999.
Allegations of Child Abuse: The Law, The Science, The Myths, The Reality. Seventh International Conference of the National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Las Vegas, Nevada. October 22-24, 1998.
Defending Child Molest Cases. Indiana Public Defender Council Seminar. Indianapolis, Indiana. December 12, 1997.
Integrating the Science with your Legal Defense. Co-presentation with Terry Harper, J.D. Indiana Public Defender Council Seminar. Indianapolis, Indiana. December 12, 1997.
Ramifications of Recent Court Decisions Involving Child Sexual Abuse. Joint Presentation with Karl Rissland, Esq. Trumbull County Bar Association. Trumbull County, Ohio. February 16, 1996.
Issues in Child Abuse Cases. Joint Presentation with Melvin Guyer, J.D. & Ph.D. of University of Michigan. Missouri State Public Defender Conference. St. Louis, Missouri. June 7, 1995.
Current National Trends in Holding Professionals Accountable in Child Abuse Cases. Lucas County Bar Association Juvenile Court. Toledo, Ohio. May 26, 1995.
​Child Sexual Abuse Legal Issues for Criminal and Family Court. Indiana State Bar Association Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. June, 1994.
DEFENDING CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE CASES: AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH. Integrating research from the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and medicine into an aggressive legal defense in criminal cases. Massachusetts State Public Defender Association Annual Conference. Salem State College, Boston, Massachusetts. June 5, 1993. ​
The Eight Most Common Pitfalls Attorneys Make in Defending Child Abuse Cases. Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Annual Conference. Cleveland, Ohio. March 12, 1993.
Issues to Address in Child Abuse Cases: Legal Strategies and Current Trends. Second International Conference of the National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Kansas City, Missouri. October 19 - 21, 1989.
A Plea for Valid Research into Child Abuse Allegations and Issues. First International Conference of the National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center. Perrysburg, Ohio. October 22 & 23, 1987.