Can you provide me with free legal services if I am accused of child abuse?
No. We are not attorneys, nor can we offer legal advice. Additionally, our financial resources are limited and we cannot pay an attorney for you or provide you with free paralegal services.
For a pre-paid referral fee, we can briefly review and assess your situation and then refer you to an attorney who is knowledgeable in this field and equally dedicated to preserving the rights of the falsely accused so you are sure the money you spend on legal services provides you with quality representation.
Can you give me specific advice about my case if I give you the details?
We cannot read entire case files, reports, motions, transcripts, etc. We simply do not have the manpower to do this.
We can, however, review a written chronology of events, hand-written or typed in your own words and we can then offer general information and limited advice on the basis of “lay expertise” based upon the limited information we receive about each case.
Due to our limited financial resources, however, we cannot accept collect phone calls or travel to meet interested parties.
Can you help me defend myself pro se?
No. We can give you the same general information that we give others who are falsely accused of child abuse, but be are not attorneys and cannot give you legal advice.
Is there a charge for your referral services?
No. We do make referrals to attorneys regarding experts. Experts do not want contacted directly outside of the privilege that attaches when the attorney talks to them. If the accused, family member or friend would contact the expert directly, their evaluation and testimony might be challenged for being biased for you.
Can you send me some written information that will help me?
We provide limited information on our website as well as a listing/description of books that we sell. See the Book List page for more information.